Amazon May Be Close to a Deal in EU Case

Amazon is no stranger to issues surrounding ebook prices. Stateside, Amazon was…

Amazon Backs Down to Avoid EU Punishment

It’s a strange day for book retailing and publishing, as readers and…

Amazon Attempts to Settle EU Antitrust Investigation

When words like Amazon and antitrust get bandied about in the same…

More Speculation on the Final Bill for Apple’s Price Fixing Problems

News was announced yesterday from the lawyers for the plaintiffs in one…

Forbes: Amazon Dispute Not About Money

Despite the hordes of critics who have verbally assaulted Amazon for its…

Big Five Back in Court over eBook Pricing

When the dust finally settled from the Department of Justice lawsuit against…

Apple Settles Out of Court in $840M Lawsuit

In the ongoing and tension-filled proceedings against Apple for its role in…

Amazon, Hachette Battle Continues as Pre-Order Buttons Are Removed

First publishers hate Amazon, then they want legal action to require them…

Consumer Protection Attorneys File Anti-Trust Suit Against Google

News came out this week that Hagens Berman, the same Seattle-based law…