Barnes and Noble Nook Services are still not restored

Barnes and Noble experienced an outage a couple of weeks ago, due…

Barnes and Noble Experienced a Cyber Attack

Barnes and Noble experienced an outage last week, that affected their cloud…

Barnes and Noble Nook syncing systems are down

Barnes and Noble is experiencing an outage on their Nook e-readers and the Nook apps for Android and iOS. The Nook libraries are not syncing or loading purchases, which means you cannot read ebooks, view your purchases or make new purchases. The entire system has crashed and it won’t be fixed for a couple of days.

New Barnes and Noble CEO is committed to the Nook e-reader

Barnes and Noble CEO James Daunt sounds like he is ready to give Nook the attention it has desperately needed, as Amazon’s Kindle has run away with the space. “I absolutely love Nook, and I think my predecessors had fallen out of love with it,” he said. “It’s under-promoted to our customers, it became the sort of wayward child that had become embarrassing. But if you want to read digitally, the app is fantastic. I’m a champion of digital books and digital book retailing, but above and beyond that I’m a champion of reading. There are many reasons why people want to read digitally, but Nook needs to be much better supported within the Barnes & Noble ecosystem.”

Barnes and Noble issues new update for the Nook

Barnes and Noble has just published a rare firmware update for many of their Nook e-readers. Software update 52.0.78 is being pushed out and includes a number of bug fixes and enhancements. One of the most notable is author names always showing as their first and last name. This is useful if you like reading ebooks by the same author, it is easier to sort in your library. There is also a progress bar on your library, letting you know how far you are in various ebooks and also there’s now a line beneath completed books showing completed date. There is likely other aspects of this update, but Barnes and Noble does not publish changelogs anymore.

Barnes and Noble Nook for Windows 10 is back

The Barnes and Noble Nook app for Windows 10 was unavailable to download since April and people who wanted to read ebooks on their PC or tablet, were out of luck. This all changed, today, the Nook app has been updated to version and can be downloaded once again. It is apparent that Barnes and Noble is getting serious about their various Nook apps for multiple platforms. They have seen a “huge boost” since the pandemic hit, CEO James Daunt said, noting that they have received massive traction. Obviously the Nook app for Android and iOS are the priorities, but at least the bookseller has fixed their Window 10 offering.

Barnes and Noble is no longer selling tablets

Barnes and Noble had an extensive tablet portfolio. They had their own Nook Tablet 7 and Nook Tablet 10.1, in addition to their deal with Samsung, for a number of Samsung Galaxy Tab for Nook. They also had a number of cases and other accessories.  It looks like the bookseller might be getting out of the tablet business altogether and have removed them from their website. The only devices they are currently marketing are their e-readers, the Nook Glowlight 3 and Nook Glowlight Plus 7.8.

The Pull of the Stars by Emma Donoghue is B&N Book Club Pick

The Barnes and Noble Book club is a relatively new program. The bookseller has a dedicated Facebook Page where people talk about the book and at the end of the month, the author posts a Q/A the channel, so people can watch it. The page is private, but anyone who applies can get approved. The August pick is the The Pull of the Stars by Emma Donoghue.

Barnes and Noble is putting a priority on the Nook

The Barnes and Noble Nook e-reader has ebbed and flowed, depending on…

Barnes and Noble has been regularly updating Nook for iOS

Barnes and Noble pushed out three updates in all of 2019 for…

Barnes and Noble Continues to Discount Nook Glowlight PLus

Barnes and Noble has been running a sales promotion on their latest…

Barnes and Noble Book Club picks The Vanishing Half

Barnes and Noble launched an official bookclub a year ago.  The purpose…

Did Barnes and Noble Discontinue Nook for Windows 10?

Barnes and Noble might have unceremoniously discontinued their Nook e-reading app for…