Kobo has announced that it has officially discontinued Walmart's partnership with the United States. If a customer has purchased a Kobo e-reader from Walmart and used their Walmart account to log in to a Kobo e-reader, this will no longer be possible on October 31st, 2024. Customers will receive an email from Kobo outlining how they choose a new sign-in system, such as Apple, … [Read more...] about Walmart Sign-in option being discontinued on Kobo e-readers
Kobo e-reader news
Kobo has less ghosting on their Colour e-Readers
The latest generation of Rakuten Kobo e-readers has received a new update on their latest generation products. The update only applies to the Kobo Libra Colour, Kobo Clara Colour and Clara BW models. The new 4.40.23081 update was just released today, and although the change log states "performance and bug fixes," there are a few notable improvements you need to know … [Read more...] about Kobo has less ghosting on their Colour e-Readers
The Future of E-Readers is Color
The e-reader and e-notebook industry has transitioned from black-and-white e-paper displays to colour. This has increased the number of factories in China and the US that are being retooled to develop screens. Companies in the electrophoretic display sector, such as E Ink Hand Netronix, have substantially improved their second-quarter results, primarily driven by colour. … [Read more...] about The Future of E-Readers is Color
Kobo Clara BW is on sale for $20 off
Kobo is having a sale on the Clara BW e-reader and you can get a $20 discount off the list price. Kobo is selling these devices directly on their website, but the deals are also available on Amazon and their other retail partners. You can get the Clara BW for $109.99 in the United States; the regular price is $129.99. Meanwhile, the same deal is available in … [Read more...] about Kobo Clara BW is on sale for $20 off
Kobo might release a 10.3-inch Kaleido 3 Elipsa by the end of 2024
Kobo has released its first generation of colour e-readers a couple of months ago. They initially ordered one million units of the Clara Colour and Libra Colour. The upstream supply chain can easily handle two additional million units to meet potential customer demand. Customers seem to be embracing the 7-inch Kobo Libra Colour compared to the 6-inch Kobo Clara Colour. The … [Read more...] about Kobo might release a 10.3-inch Kaleido 3 Elipsa by the end of 2024
Certified Refurbished Kobo Libra 2 Back in Stock
The Kobo Libra 2 is available once again. However, before you start celebrating, here is the catch: the ones sold now are certified refurbished models. It being so, there are some savings to be made. The Libra 2 is now selling for $159 with free shipping, which is $30 less than what brand-new models would have otherwise cost. Both black and white versions of the Libra 2 are … [Read more...] about Certified Refurbished Kobo Libra 2 Back in Stock
The Top e-readers for Summer 2024
Summer is upon us, and it is time to curl up and read a good book. Most people read on their smartphone since it is always in their pocket. However, e-readers have a tremendous advantage because the screen does not get any glare from the sun, and the battery lasts for weeks instead of days. When it comes down to it, e-readers are the closest thing to actual paper. What are the … [Read more...] about The Top e-readers for Summer 2024
Kobo Summer Sale: Kabo Elipsa 2E and Kobo Sage Discounted
The Kindle Scribe isn't the only big-screen E Ink tablet that is on sale right now as Kobo too has announced a discount on its flagship device, the Kobo Elipsa 2E as part of a summer sale offer. The Elipsa 2E can now be bought for $350 which is $50 less than the regular price. The Elipsa 2E happens to be the only full-scale E Ink tablet device that Kobo has to offer at the … [Read more...] about Kobo Summer Sale: Kabo Elipsa 2E and Kobo Sage Discounted
Kobo Plus Subscription Service Launched in Spain
Rakuten Kobo has announced the launch of the Kobo Plus e-book and audiobook subscription service in Spain. With this, avid readers in Spain will have access to more than 1.5 million e-books and over 200,000 audiobooks for a fixed monthly fee. Currently, Kobo is offering three plans to choose from to suit diverse reading requirements. There is the Kobo Plus Read which will … [Read more...] about Kobo Plus Subscription Service Launched in Spain
Can Kobo Make a Better eReader Device?
With the recent release of the Kobo Libra Colour and the Kobo Clara Colour we have been treated to some pretty amazing devices, while also losing availability to others (Libra 2). Is it possible for Kobo to make a better eReader than what they currently have available? What is one newly implemented feature that would ensure that their devices remain ahead of the … [Read more...] about Can Kobo Make a Better eReader Device?