Kobo is reported to have placed fresh orders for its Kobo color e-readers, the Kobo Libra Colour and the Kobo Clara Colour after the first batch of e-readers sold out faster than they had anticipated, industry analyst Ming Chi Kuo reported. Many of the companies that are part of the supply chain are working at twice their capacity to meet existing demand. As per the estimate … [Read more...] about Kobo Places Urgent Orders for Color e-Readers as Current Stock is Sold Out
Kobo e-reader news
Full Review of the Rakuten Kobo BW E-Reader
The Kobo Colour e-readers might be capturing all of the headlines on major news publications and tech review sites, and with good reason. The Kobo Libra Colour and Clara Colour are the first colour e-readers released by a major company. However, the Kobo BW is likely the best black-and-white e-reader in the Kobos catalogue; it destroys the previous generation Clara and trounces … [Read more...] about Full Review of the Rakuten Kobo BW E-Reader
The Kobo Libra Appears to be Discontinued
Kobo recently launched the Kobo Libra Colour and the same is already available to buy via Amazon. While that is great, the other related and not-so-enthusiastic development on this front is that the original Kobo Libra might be on the way out. Kobo hasn't officially stated anything on this though as the e-Book Reader Blog stated, the Libra has already gone out of stock in the … [Read more...] about The Kobo Libra Appears to be Discontinued
You can now order Kobo replacement parts from iFixit
When the new Kobo e-readers were announced, the company touted that these would be repairable. This is a way to extend the lifespan of the Kobo Clara BW, Clara Colour and Libra Colour. Kobo and iFixit have formed a partnership, where iFixit would directly sell replacement parts, and the system is now live in major markets, such as Canada and the United States. What type of … [Read more...] about You can now order Kobo replacement parts from iFixit
Hands-on Review of the Kobo Libra Colour e-reader
The Rakuten Kobo Libra Colour is likely one of the best e-readers and e-notebooks on the market. It utilizes the latest generation E INK Kaleido 3 e-paper technology, which makes the screen vibrant. There are several major selling points behind this new device. It has a 35% larger battery than the previous generation, Libra 2; it has physical page-turn buttons, Google Drive, … [Read more...] about Hands-on Review of the Kobo Libra Colour e-reader
Kobo releases new firmware for Colour e-readers
Kobo has just issued a new software update for their three new e-readers, the Clara Colour, Libra Colour and the Clara BW. These e-readers are known for their high-quality performance and affordability. There isn't much known about the new updates yet, but Kobo merely stated that there are stability improvements and bug fixes. It is nice to see the latest generation get some … [Read more...] about Kobo releases new firmware for Colour e-readers
Rakuten Kobo e-readers are now available on Amazon
Kobo has recently launched dedicated product pages for all their e-readers on the popular Amazon Store. This is a boon for those who value a hassle-free shopping experience, with the added benefits of a flexible return policy and swift delivery. You can explore the main Kobo page to view their diverse range of models. Additionally, they offer attractive bundle deals, allowing … [Read more...] about Rakuten Kobo e-readers are now available on Amazon
Full Review of the Rakuten Kobo Clara Colour e-reader
The Kobo Clara Colour e-reader is one of the year's most essential releases. This is the first time the Canadian company has ever employed Colour E INK technology on e-readers. Public acceptance of this product is critical for the long-term viability of the Kaleido 3 e-paper for future products. If Clara has poor sales, it might encourage Kobo to move away from Colour and focus … [Read more...] about Full Review of the Rakuten Kobo Clara Colour e-reader
Kobo Nia now selling for its lowest price ever
Target is offering the Kobo Nia for a nice $89, which is $20 off the regular price. This makes it the cheapest that the entry-level Kobo has ever sold for, LaptopMag reported. What’s more, both Amazon and Walmart too have joined in on the fun and are offering the Kobo Nia at the same price. So, if you are looking for a basic no-frills e-reader device or are looking for … [Read more...] about Kobo Nia now selling for its lowest price ever
First look at the Kobo Libra Colour e-reader
The Rakuten Kobo Libra Colour is coming out at the end of April, and this device has lots to be excited about. It employs the latest generation of E INK Kaleido 3 e-paper. What are the major selling points? It can take notes and write on books with an optional Kobo Pencil 2. The colour filter array is at the top of the stack and has a hollow screen, so the colour accuracy is … [Read more...] about First look at the Kobo Libra Colour e-reader