According to WH Smith, this year, the UK book market is on track again, thanks to Britney Spears' memoir and some incredible crime novels by Richard Osman. The main contributors to the rise are due to the widespread book sales and travel rebound, which further contributed to a 75% increase in pre-tax profits to £110m in the year to August 31. Meanwhile, the sales rose by 28% to … [Read more...] about Boost in the UK Book Market Growth: Britney Spears Memoir a Top Contributor
Bookselling News
MacLehose Press Preempts Beasts of the Sea by Iida Turpeinen
Image credit: thebookseller MacLehose Press has recently bought the bestselling Finnish debut Beasts of the Sea by Iida Turpeinen as a pre-emptive deal with VP and Executive editor of Little, Brown USA, Asya Muchnick. World English-language rights were also acquired from Urpu Strellman, an agent at large at Helsinki Literary Agency. The novel was purchased by Katharina … [Read more...] about MacLehose Press Preempts Beasts of the Sea by Iida Turpeinen
Streisand Memoir: Fame, Men, Insults and Incredible Life
“Looking back, it was much more fun to dream of being famous than to actually be famous,” Barbra Streisand writes near the end of her new memoir, My Name Is Barbra. Many books have been written about Streisand’s life, however this is her baby. The autobiography is massive at 970 pages, and one should read this book as if it's a fine wine; taking sips and pausing to savour. … [Read more...] about Streisand Memoir: Fame, Men, Insults and Incredible Life
WWII Spy Book to Become Movie
Cracking the Nazi Code, a historical spy story from author and philosophy professor Jason Bell, has been optioned by Toronto-based Wildling Pictures to be turned into a feature film. Cracking the Nazi Code depicts the story of Canadian Winthrop Bell (no relation to the author) who worked as an MI6 secret spy. In his "cover-life," Dr. Winthrop Bell was a Harvard philosophy … [Read more...] about WWII Spy Book to Become Movie
Penguin Random House India Commits to 100% Recycled Paper
Penguin Random House India has announced its transition to 100% recycled paper for books. Ajay Joshi, the company's vice president for supply chain and production, told Publishing Perspectives: “Penguin recognizes the immense responsibility we shoulder as users of paper. Therefore, being eco-friendly and having sustainable practices are of utmost importance. We were one of … [Read more...] about Penguin Random House India Commits to 100% Recycled Paper
Are Print Book Sales Declining In Your Country?
Although many readers believe in the notion of a decline in the publishing industry, it is surprisingly still going strong. Hardcore bookworms still prefer physical books, and they are expected to continue doing so. Reading is more than just a pastime; it's an experience of setting foot in another world, powered solely by your imagination and the words on the pages of a … [Read more...] about Are Print Book Sales Declining In Your Country?
Is Author Dr. Melissa J. Rowling a Real Person?
Only a year ago, asking this question would indicate that this article was, at best, posing an existential question, or at worst, a cancel-culture hit piece. Now, a year into A.I., I'm literally asking this question: Is Dr. Melissa J. Rowling an actual person? If this is your first time hearing about this bazaar reality we are now in, let me give you a brief recap. Unknown … [Read more...] about Is Author Dr. Melissa J. Rowling a Real Person?
Bloomsbury Makes Record First-Half Earnings Of £136.7m, Thanks to Fantasy Fiction Boom
The London-based British book publisher Bloomsbury has reported staggering first-half earnings of £136.7m. The publisher credits this success in part to a boom in the popularity of fantasy fiction, largely due to the American author Sarah J Mass, who is best known for her fantasy series Throne of Glass, British novelist Samantha Shannon, and the continuing popularity of Harry … [Read more...] about Bloomsbury Makes Record First-Half Earnings Of £136.7m, Thanks to Fantasy Fiction Boom
10 Tips to Help Spot an A.I. Author
Since its release last November, ChatGPT has been used by over a 180 million people and clocked over 10 billion visits. Reviews have been mixed. Many in the AI community are enthralled and excited by the possibilities, and on the other side, there are many who are apprehensive of AI's impact on employment. The affect of this technology is still unfolding, and almost daily, … [Read more...] about 10 Tips to Help Spot an A.I. Author
Why Should You Self-Publish Your Book?
If you are an author or aspiring to become one, you must self-publish your book. Not only have such approaches been incredibly popular among writers, but it's, in fact, associated with several benefits that you can't avoid. Here's a quick brief: Creative Control Self-publishing gives you complete control of your creativity. Whether it's about deciding the content that goes in … [Read more...] about Why Should You Self-Publish Your Book?