Apps Magazine Dedicated to Apps Goes Entirely Digital Apps Magazine happens to be one of the most sought after magazines… Sovan Mandal16 January 2014
Kids’ Tablet Usage on the Rise in the UK We have earlier come across reports of half of the adults in… Sovan Mandal16 January 2014
PiPad – A Tablet With a Raspberry Pi Heart The Raspberry Pi has been subjected to all sorts of computing incarnations… Sovan Mandal13 January 2014
Russia Emerges As The Third Biggest eBook Market in the World Latest IDC research findings revealed that Russia has overtaken UK and Brazil… Sovan Mandal9 January 2014
Kurio Reveals a Tablet and the World’s First Smartphone For Kids Kurio has come up with a kid-specific tablet at the ongoing CES… Sovan Mandal8 January 2014
Qualcomm Ultra Sound NotePad Tech Can Transmit Paper Inscriptions to Tablet in Real Time What’s CES without a few extravagant tech demos? This time, Qualcomm has… Sovan Mandal5 January 2014
DreamTab Promises to be the Dream Tablet For Kids There is a new tablet device being developed for kids which promises… Sovan Mandal4 January 2014
Experts Warn Strict Parental Control Needed for Kids Tablet Usage One of the reasons that have contributed to the stellar growth of… Sovan Mandal26 December 2013
Samsung Plans New PRO Line of Tablets Samsung has made in known in no uncertain terms of the huge… Sovan Mandal25 December 2013